
billeder fra verden i ring. posted fra mob, og titijuana og amager og hvor jeg nu ellers sætter min store tå.

At ville gå på vand og luft, er galmandsværk og ufornuft, sier folk som ikke tør det.
Men den som blæser på om man kan gå på luft og vand, han kan såfremt han bare gør det!
Jeg vandrer tit på Kattegat og har da også prøvet at gå morgentur på luften.
Og hænder det jeg plumper i så er det sgu da kun fordi jeg møder snusfornuften.

fredag, juni 08, 2007



Jeg modtog een af de famøse spammails, der ønskede at
lave en moneytransaction ved hjælp af mine oplysninger...
til gengæld ville jeg så få del af 15% af Sussy's afdøde fars
cocoa-millioner - HA!

Jeg kunne ikke nære mig, og skrev tilbage - så må vi se om der kommer svar
fra "Sussy". Det bedste forsvar er jo som bekendt et godt angreb
- læs mit svar og "Sussy Kamara's" mail herunder:

Hello Dear Sussy,

Thanks for your request concerning business relations.

It sounds very interresting, and allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Dean Martin Broenshoejson, and i'm one of two sons of the the late
Mr. Maersk McKinney Moeller Broenshoejson and, still living well, Mrs. Jenna Fraud Jameson.

I recently got responsibility for a familyfond -, wich holds the sum of aprx. $11 billion.
The funds are limited to internal and local affairs, though it is possible to limit a certain
amount at the Cayman Island, where i am planning a part of the business in a multimillionair hotel and
combined cigarfabrication coorperation.

In that concern, maybe we could help one and another, because i would also be in need of a businesspartner,
so therfore i am humbly seeking your assistance in the following ways:

To assist me in transfering a certain amount form a Islandic bank and directly to your account.
To serve as the guardian of this fund and be partner on the Cayman Island.
To make arrangement for me to come over to your country and finish up the deal
Im willing to let you in on 20 % of the funds, if business in a period of 6 months have grown in wealth.

So I would need some information from you:
1. Full name, adress, phonenumber and social security information.
2. Your bankinformation, including full accountnumbers
3. Your credit card detalis, and your pincode and cvc no.
4. Your current CV

Hope to hear from you soon including your detailed information.
Please contact me on my businessmail.

Many regards,

Dean Martin Broenshoejson

>From : Sussy Kamara
>Note:please reply to my private e-mail box below: ( )
> Urgent / Assistance
>Hello Dear,
>Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you. I know this mail may come to you as a surprise, since we have not known or written before.
>Afer you receive this mail kindly contact me on my private e.mail contact below. introducing myself, I am Sussan Kamara, the Only Daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Dikko Kamara, my father was a gold and cocoa mercahnt based in accra, ghana and Abidjan (Ivory Coast), he was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their business trips. before the death of my father on 29th june 2005 in a private hospital here in Abidjan.
>He secretly called me on his bedside and told me that he has a sum of usd $6.5m (Six Million Five Hundred Thousand U.s), deposited in a suspence account in one of the prime bank here in abidjan ivory coast, that he used my name as his only daughter for the next of kin in depositing of the fund.
>He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his business associates, that I should seek for a foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will transfer this money and use it for investment purpose such as expansion of his existing cocoa business and real estate management overseas. Dear friend, I am humbly seeking your assistance in the following ways.
>1) To assist me in retriving this money from the bank.
>2) To serve as the guardian of this fund.
>3) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education and to secure a residential permit in your country moreover, I am willing to offer you 15% of the total sum as compensation for your effort/input after the successful transfer of this fund to your nominated account overseas.
>Furthermore, you can indicate your option towards assisting me as I believe that this transaction would be concluded within seven (7) working days you signify interest to assist me.
>E-mail address above ( Anticipating to hear from you soon.
>Yours sincerely,
>Sussy Kamara.
>Note:please reply to my private e-mail box below: ( )